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Jess Bracks presents at ICAM conference in Kenya

Jess Bracks presented in September at the Humane Dog Population Management Conference in Mombasa, Kenya. Our presentation[1] shared experiences from some of Ecosure’s human/dog conflict projects including the review of the Queensland Government Fraser Island Dingo Management Strategy, managing risk while conserving dingoes around a mine in Western Australia and managing the hazard of roaming and stray domestic dogs at Funafuti International Airport in Tuvalu with sister company Avisure.

Jess had a great time meeting people from every continent with a range of different issues.
Some examples include:

  • humane management of street dogs, sometimes numbering in the tens of millions (e.g. trap-neuter-release, re-homing programs and encouraging responsible dog ownership)
  • managing rabies and other zoonoses in street dogs to protect people and wildlife
  • human behaviour change around the dog meat trade
  • community engagement and decision-making for effective DPM.

Book of abstracts, presentation videos and a range of great ICAM tools can be found here:


Note: some of the graphics and animation in our presentation didn’t translate to the web version, for the full presentation please contact Jess at jbracks@ecosure.com.au.

Obviously, Jess could not travel to Africa without experiencing a safari… a few of the many highlights with Phill Bracks (Ecosure Operations Manager) below!

[1] Bracks, J, Shaw, P, Allen, B.L., Davis, J and McKee, J, 2019 ‘Ethical management of human-derived conflict with wild and domestic dogs: case studies from Oceania’, Conference presentation, 3rd International Dog Population Management Conference, Mombasa, Kenya.

Jess Phil safari

cheetah safarielephants crossing safarihyena safari rhino safari shoebill safari gorilla safari

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