Offset management
Ecosure teams successfully utilise a variety of site-specific restoration approaches and techniques to deliver vegetation, carbon and ecological offset projects. Many projects have required detailed site planning to ensure the offset meets legislative requirements as well as positive ecological outcomes.

We frequently develop ecological restoration plans, interpret plans and maps, and provide project management services to ensure all components of the project are delivered efficiently and effectively. We have experience in working across large areas and designing projects that are successfully applied to koalas, black-breasted button-quail, lowland sub-tropical rainforest and for a number of flora species protected under state legislation and the Environment, Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Ecosure’s offset management services include:
- Assessing offset requirements and developing offset management plans
- Designing and implementing on-ground offsets to ensure a conservation outcome
- Offset monitoring and reporting.
Monitoring the recovery of the site is critical to identifying whether the measures implemented are sufficient and to ensure project goals are met or are on the correct trajectory. Progress can be measured by photo-monitoring, visual inspections, BioCondition assessments and monitoring and utilising the Recovery Wheel. We also utilise video and photographic imagery including drone footage to capture progress across the whole site.
Ecosure has successfully planned and delivered large restoration projects and several scientific monitoring and reporting projects relating to large scale environmental offsets being implemented on Council and State-owned land.