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Engage our experienced ecologists: Stewardship Agreements, NSW


Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements

In New South Wales, Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements (BSA) are used for landholders wishing to generate and sell biodiversity credits under the Biodiversity Offset Scheme. They provide permanent conservation and management of the biodiversity values on the land, known as a Biodiversity Stewardship Site.

There are two broad categories of classes of credit for the purposes of measuring gain in biodiversity values – ecosystem credits and species credits. Generated biodiversity credits can be sold to a developer, the Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT), or to other interested parties such as philanthropic groups. Offsets are required for most developments impacting more than two hectares of native vegetation, creating a market for selling credits within NSW.

Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Report

Only an accredited assessor can provide a Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Report (BSSAR) necessary to submit to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) as part of your BSA application.

A BSSAR includes:

  • results of field work
  • the potential offset value (the class and number of credits)
  • a proposed 20-year management plan for the site

Our ecologists will:

  • conduct thorough desktop assessments to provide a potential list of threatened species
    (flora and fauna) likely to occur at the site
  • undertake extensive targeted flora and fauna surveys to determine the value of your ecosystem and species credits, and
  • liaise with the DPIE and BCT to ensure all mandatory requirements are included in the BSSAR to achieve the best outcome for the client

Biodiversity Assessment Method

The Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) was established under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 for the purpose of assessing impacts as a result of development and vegetation clearing. Impacts could be on threatened species, threatened ecological communities, their habitats and on biodiversity values. The BAM outlines the method for an accredited person to assess stewardship sites to generate credits that can be retired to offset impacts. The results of these detailed assessments contribute to a BSSAR. Our accredited assessors in Coffs Harbour and Byron Bay are currently evaluating multiple stewardship sites across NSW.

Why use Ecosure?

Operating since 1994, Ecosure is a national, multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy that leads the industry through innovation, ethics and excellence in environmental science. Our approach combines current best practice science and practical field application, with strong client relationships providing exceptional value in service.

Our skilled team of accredited BAM assessors have extensive experience in locating threatened species and assessing plant communities using the latest in technology including camera traps, Anabat, songmeters, data capture devices and GIS. Use of this technology allows us to maximise species credits and offset values for our clients. We also provide comprehensive advice throughout all stages of the assessment and management of the site.

For further detail on our accredited assessors and our BAM services please contact 1300 112 021 or visit ecosure.com.au

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