Development approvals & assessments
Ecosure conduct due diligence assessments and consult with local, state and Commonwealth government to meet permit and reporting requirements. Ecosure are experienced in consultation, education and engagement including with Traditional Owners and land managers to inform and engage stakeholders and assist with the delivery of your project.
Ecosure’s development approval and assessment services include:
- Ecological assessment
- Flora, fauna, biodiversity and aquatic surveys
- Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports (BDAR)
- Biodiversity Certification Assessment Reports (BCAR)
- Koala/koala habitat assessment
- Open space management statement
- Property map of assessable vegetation (PMAV)
- Protected plant surveys and permits
- Site tree assessment
- Species impact statements
- State, Commonwealth and EPBC referrals
- Environmental impact statements
- Bushfire attack level assessment
- Environmental Authorities
- Bushfire hazard assessment
- Construction management services, including provision of fauna spotter catchers, water quality monitoring and arboricultural assessment.
To assist in ongoing management of environmental aspects of the development, Ecosure can provide:
- Bushfire management plan
- Environmental covenant
- Construction environmental management plan
- Fauna and flora management plan
- Impact management plan
- Offset management and delivery plan
- Open space management plan
- Species management program
- Vegetation management plan
- Weed management plan.