Monitoring threatened species long-term
By Jess Bracks
Ecosure has been monitoring threatened species at a site in Northern New South Wales for 10 years. This long-term commitment helps ensure the conservation of threatened species populations. Target fauna groups are surveyed biennially, this year one of the focal groups was threatened bats. Two species confirmed in this year’s survey included the Blossom Bat and Little Bent-Winged Bat. Part of the survey includes our team assessing joints in wings to get an idea of age, recording the sex and if they have had pups. We’ll continue to keep track of these and other threatened species in the years to come.
In conjunction with our restoration projects in this area, this multifaceted monitoring and habitat improvement program is working positively towards our BHAG of to improve the ecosystems of 100 million hectares and 1000 islands worldwide by 2030.
Did you know that a single microbat can eat up to 500 mosquitos in an hour?!
If you want to help threatened bat species, you can put up roost boxes in your trees and choose organic products where possible. By doing this, you help limit chemicals in the environment which impact the insects and plants that bats (and other wildlife) feed on.
It is always rewarding to see our projects have a positive impact on the environment, and this is certainly one of those cases.