Federation Walk Coastal Reserve

Delivering Ambitious Beachfront Federation Walk Littoral Rainforest Restoration Project with City of Gold Coast

Ecosure Leads Ambitious Littoral Rainforest Restoration at Federation Walk Coastal Reserve

Ecosure has been contracted by the City of Gold Coast as the principal contractor to undertake these works. This collaboration between the State Government and the City of Gold Coast aims to drive an ambitious and transformative environmental initiative. Ecosure is proud to lead this effort alongside delivery partners Regen Australia and Ngarang-wal Gold Coast Aboriginal Association.  Federation Walk Coastal Reserve represents one of Australia’s largest beachfront rainforest restoration projects with the aim to establish a thriving coastal (littoral) rainforest in the heart of the Gold Coast. Funded by the Queensland Government in partnership with the City of Gold Coast and the Federal Government, this project promises significant ecological, social, and recreational benefits for the region.

The Reserve is a cherished natural asset spanning 37 hectares on beachfront of The Spit. The Master Plan for The Spit was announced in 2019 and includes a $60 million investment. An element of the Master Plan is the delivery of long-term restoration of the reserve, installation of native plants and construction of infrastructure such as boardwalks that allows the community and visitors access to the reserve.

Ecosure are no strangers to this site having conducted ecological restoration here since 2017. The current project extends for five years and focuses on ecological restoration of the northern end of the Reserve including primary weed control, maintenance and assisted regeneration to restore over 32 hectares of beachfront vegetation. A major component of this project is planting over 220,000 native coastal plants to establish Littoral Rainforest, a critically endangered ecosystem that naturally occurs close to the ocean along Australia’s east coast.

Work is now well underway. We have completed over half of the primary weed control and laid over 4,700 m3 of locally sourced mulch. In April 2024, 40,000 native plants sourced and propagated by Regen Australia were installed with support from Coastal Planting. We are now preparing to scale up our efforts with an even larger planting expected to take place around October 2024. This restoration work will provide crucial habitat for native wildlife and offer enhanced nature-based experiences for both residents and visitors.

In addition to the environmental outcomes that this project will achieve, we are also integrating opportunities for the local Traditional Owners of the area, the Kombumerri People. We are working with Ngarang-wal to facilitate six Indigenous Ranger Traineeships to provide meaningful employment and training opportunities for Traditional Owners to Look After Country. The first two trainees have commenced work and will work alongside Ecosure’s experienced bush regenerators to learn ecological restoration skills that complement their Certificate III in Conservation Ecosystem Management. This partnership will facilitate the sharing of knowledge with the mindset that learning goes both ways, with Ngrang-wal incorporating the traditional ecological knowledge complemented by Ecosure’s approach to ecological restoration.

Phill Bracks, CEO of Ecosure, remarked, “The Federation Walk Coastal Reserve Littoral Rainforest Project is a significant milestone that we are proud to deliver for the Gold Coast. This project is very close to our heart as we celebrate 30 years in business with our foundations on the Gold Coast. Our collaboration with partners like the City of Gold Coast, Regen Australia, and Ngarang-wal Gold Coast Aboriginal Association is a testament to the power of working together towards common environmental goals. Partnerships are crucial in achieving great projects, and this collaboration exemplifies how we can combine our strengths to make a lasting impact.”

As we continue to plant, nurture, and maintain the new coastal rainforest, we invite the community to join us in celebrating this extraordinary initiative. Together, we can ensure that the Federation Walk Coastal Reserve remains a vibrant, resilient, and beautiful natural space for generations to come.

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