Wildlife Management

Monitoring finds brushtail possums in nest box

Enhancing Wildlife Habitat: A Nest Box Success Story

Nestled within the vibrant landscape of Southeast Queensland lies Sleeman Sports Complex, a hub of athletic prowess and community engagement. Beyond its sporting arenas, this complex is fostering a different kind of activity—one that involves the delicate balance of nurturing native fauna within its precincts.

Ecosure was engaged by Sleeman Sports Complex to install and monitor nest boxes mounted strategically across the premises to provide sanctuary to various native bird and mammal species reliant on natural hollows—a vital component of Australia’s biodiversity.

Enhancing Wildlife Habitat: A Nest Box Success Story Read More »

South Eastern Black Glossy Cockatoo

Protecting Australia’s Unique Flora and Fauna utilising Targeted Ecological Surveys

Australia is known for its unique range of flora and fauna species that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. However, with almost 1000 animal and plant species in New South Wales alone considered threatened, it’s important to take steps to protect them. This is where targeted ecological surveys come in. At Ecosure, we recognise the importance of identifying where threatened species occur on a site and ensure steps are implemented to protect them.

Protecting Australia’s Unique Flora and Fauna utilising Targeted Ecological Surveys Read More »

Celebrating 27 years of Ibis management

Celebrating 27 years of Ibis management

The Australian white ibis (Threskiornis molucca) is one of three native species of ibis found in Australia and is protected under the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992 and New South Wales Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. Unnaturally large numbers of ibis are now found in many urban environments along the east coast of Australia, primarily because of easy access to abundant food sources such as some waste landfills and public feeding, which can result in public complaints, present an aviation safety hazard and impact negatively on biodiversity. There are also risks to public health and production animals.

Celebrating 27 years of Ibis management Read More »

Drone flying

Ecosure Harnessing Drone Technology for Environmental Assessments

In today’s technology-driven world, drones have emerged as powerful tools across various industries. At Ecosure, they are embracing the potential of drones to revolutionise surveying operations. By utilising different modes of drone operation and providing training to the team, Ecosure is confident in elevating surveying capabilities to new heights and increasing efficiency, accuracy, and overall effectiveness.

Ecosure Harnessing Drone Technology for Environmental Assessments Read More »

2023 Flying-fox Forum delegates.

8th National Flying-fox Forum reaches new heights

Ecosure has facilitated and lead 8 successful annual forums, which have been attended by experts in the field and delegates from local, state and federal government, research institutions, NRM groups, NGOs, wildlife care organisations and conservation groups. Thanks to the dedication of our speakers and attendees, we delved into valuable and topical updates related to flying-foxes and their habitat. The conversations continued to thrive in our breakout rooms between sessions, fostering meaningful connections and collaborations.

8th National Flying-fox Forum reaches new heights Read More »

Jane Horgan at International Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence Conference

Ecosure represented at the 2023 International Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence Conference in Oxford, UK

The largest international conference dedicated to human-wildlife conflict was recently held in Oxford, UK from 30th March – 1st April. Alongside the 700 participants from over 70 countries from across the globe was Ecosure’s Wildlife Biologist Jane Horgan, flying the flag for Ecosure

Ecosure represented at the 2023 International Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence Conference in Oxford, UK Read More »

2023 International conference on human-wildlife conflict and coexistence in Oxford UK

2023 International conference on human-wildlife conflict and coexistence in Oxford UK

Wildlife Biologist Jane Horgan is attending the conference representing both Ecosure and Cheetah Conservation Botswana, and speaking about how the Cheetah Conservation Botswana helps farming communities coexist with wildlife, the tailored solutions which been have developed for different areas, including the use of local dogs as livestock guardians.

2023 International conference on human-wildlife conflict and coexistence in Oxford UK Read More »

low water

Aquatic Salvage at UQ Lake

Ecosure was engaged by contractors on behalf of The University of Queensland (UQ) to complete the aquatic salvage as part of the redevelopment plans for the 2.2ha man-made lake on the St Lucia campus. The iconic UQ lake and amphitheater is being transformed into a self-sustaining ecosystem that offers habitat for wildlife and more opportunities for people to enjoy the area.

Aquatic Salvage at UQ Lake Read More »

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