Ecosure CQ has recently been awarded a three-year contract to conduct a holistic water quality monitoring program of ground and surface water at CS Energy’s Callide Power Station near Biloela.
CS Energy is committed to meeting its environmental obligations and protecting the environment around its power station sites. The Callide Power Station monitoring program includes locations within the power station, as well as the receiving environment. Forty-seven parameters are monitored to ensure compliance with the site Environmental Authorities and to monitor for change.
Ecosure works with CS Energy to continuously improve the monitoring program, therefore offering best value for money. Our aquatic ecologists also evaluate the program continuously and ensure the client is up to date with the latest technology. For example, procurement of new water quality monitoring equipment, which will reduce time on site, improve safety and provide more accurate measurements.
Our committed local field staff are able to provide continuity as well as site knowledge and experience. Ecosure is highly committed to safe workplace practices, which closely align with the requirements of Callide Power Station.
The program is being managed by Melanie Sutton who has more than 17 years experience working on oil and gas sites, as well as major capital projects in Australia and overseas.