Magazine Article

Then and Now: land clearing and conservation in the brigalow belt

Magazine Article

This image above is from a prospectus of the Central Queensland region from the early 1960’s called “The Rockhampton Story”

It highlights the recently announced £12.24m Brigalow Land Clearing Scheme ($349 m in todays’ money!!!). The scheme financed land developers in the brigalow belt of Central Queensland to develop land through clearing vegetation; improving pastures, fencing, water availability, and roads to advance Queenslands’ beef, crop, grain and fibre industries into the global export market.

Prior to European settlement there was over 10 million hectares of brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) vegetation communities in Queensland. However by 2013, there was less than 1.2 million hectares of remnant (never before cleared) vegetation.

Fast forward to today……and brigalow vegetation communities are now protected by Commonwealth legislation as threatened ecological communities. Land developers now need to offset land to grow brigalow if the need to clear remnant or near-remnant brigalow vegetation, and the Commonwealth regularly funds conservation and natural resource management groups to restore brigalow vegetation!

If you need help with brigalow TEC’s, or any TEC’s for that matter, or other protected areas, protected flora or fauna species then get in contact with Ecosure.

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