RAP artwork 1920

Our companies’ journey towards reconciliation and collaboration

Ecosure and Avisure have received the final piece of artwork that represents both our companies and our journey towards reconciliation. The piece was created by Ray Garrett, a proud Darumbal man (Father’s side) and Wulli Wulli man (Mother’s side). Ray grew up in Rockhampton, Central Queensland on his father’s country along the mighty Tunuba (Fitzroy River).

Ray says, “my artwork is a representation of myself and how I view the world, a way for me to relax and have some down time.”

The artwork is proudly displayed and admired in our Rockhampton Office on Darumbal Country. 

The background of interconnected dots in Ecosure and Avisure’s corporate colours symbolises our collaboration as sister companies and our aspirations to have a positive impact and connect with First Nations Peoples, communities, and Country across the lands we work. The topic of conversation depicted in the four yarning circles are the services that Ecosure and Avisure provide. Ecosure’s three pillars of excellence are Ecological Restoration represented by the Grass Trees, Wildlife Management represented by the Yellow-bellied Glider and Environmental Services represented by the Fitzroy River Turtle. Avisure’s expertise in Aviation Wildlife Hazard Management is represented through the bird’s eye view of the coastline. The yarning circles illustrate our collaboration with Traditional Owners and increasing Cultural Awareness in our organisations. The connections between the yarning circles are symbolic of our connection to the community, land and cultural groups. 

Ecosure and Avisure’s core values of Passion, Optimism, Leadership, Team Spirit, Ethics and Responsiveness are embodied in each person around the yarning circle symbolising how our people connect with our values and collaborate on our reconciliation journey. The large people walking between the yarning circles demonstrate our leadership and commitment to continue building relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, create opportunities, promote diversity and drive positive change.