
Shweta Rathee

Shweta has extensive experience in Geographical Information Systems including the interrogation and interpretation of spatial data integration and analysis, database management, and cartography. Shweta is an experienced GIS specialist with

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Cam Weetman

Cameron has been the Southern Primary Field Supervisor for the wildlife team for over eight years. Cameron has ongoing experience working with NGOs in the Southern Philippines involving Watershed Protection,

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Kalita Free

Kalita is an Environmental Scientist with three years’ experience in the consulting industry. She has a background and strong interest in both aquatic science and balancing ecological and environmental conservation

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Adam Pavitt

Adam joined Ecosure in 2014 and during this time has undertaken various field roles before being employed as a scientist. Previously Adam worked in the horticultural sector on biological pest

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Patrick Kehoe

Patrick has steadily gained experience in surface and groundwater quality monitoring, ecological surveys, bushfire management, vegetation management, GIS mapping and compliance monitoring, whilst maintaining a volunteering schedule including numerous marine

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Jennifer Young

Jennifer has extensive flora and fauna survey experience conducted; during her time at Ecosure, throughout her studies at Southern Cross University, internship at Ecological Australia and various voluntary positions. Jennifer

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Vanessa Cain

Vanessa has over 10 years’ experience working with research organisations, government authorities and community groups undertaking a range of field-based, capacity building, and organisational activities. She has a particular interest

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