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Biodiversity Stewardship could see Your Property Earn More

Did you know the bushland on your property could help you generate passive income by simply preserving it?

If your bushland has been identified as being potentially high in biodiversity value, what does this mean? Well, in NSW, Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements are used by landholders wishing to generate and sell biodiversity credits under the Biodiversity Offset Scheme. They provide permanent conservation and management of the biodiversity values on your land, known as a Biodiversity Stewardship Site. In return you earn an additional income.


Developers who clear native bushland or impact biodiversity are required to secure like-for-like biodiversity credits. These can be ecosystem credits (such as a bushland community) or species credits (such as threatened species). So, you could sell biodiversity credits on your property to either:

  • developers
  • the Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT), or
  • other interested parties such as philanthropic groups.

What next?

We can provide you with a quick desktop assessment to let you know what biodiversity credits you are likely to have on your property. As well as an indication of what they are worth for $490 (usually valued at $750). You can register for this by giving us a call on 1300 112 021.

Following this, our accredited assessors can provide a Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Report (BSSAR). This will give you all the information you need about the biodiversity values on your property. The BSSAR includes:

  • results of field investigations
  • the potential offset value (the class and number of credits)
  • a proposed 20-year management plan for the site
  • liaison with the Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Environment and BCT to ensure all mandatory requirements are included in the BSSAR to achieve the best outcome for you.

We can then assist you entering these biodiversity credits for sale in the market.

Enquire now

To gain your quick desktop assessment to find out the potential value of your bushland, contact us here . You too can benefit as our NSW Blueberry Farmer has:

“As one of the founding members of the blueberry industry in Coffs Harbour and a member of the Sikh community I was looking to maximise financial opportunities associated with my land. Constrained by known threatened plants associated with the forested areas of my property I felt there was not much I could do until I had a conversation with the local Ecosure office. They walked me through my options and found the best pathway for me was a stewardship agreement where I could receive funds for managing the forested parts of my property while continuing to run my blueberry business. I was delighted to learn that I could also make money from the additional ecosystem and species credits verified by Ecosure and valued at $5-6 million, and I can now easily cover the funding costs of a 20 year management plan. Who would have thought some native plants and animals could increase the value of my property? This scheme has allowed me to value add to this property by diversifying my income stream and potentially allowing me to use my credits as an offset to undertake works on other properties.”                                                NSW Blueberry Farmer

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